Hey Gorgeous

You’re so ready for a conscious,
HOT AF MAN to enter your… er… life.

Am I right?

But you just don’t want him there for one-night-of-mind-blowing-sex.

You want the real, deep relationship where minds, bodies and spirits align.

Babe, I see you. You’ve been drinking the green juice, practicing yoga, and developing your self out the wazoo. You’ve found so much clarity from past programs about who you are and what you want.

But even though you’ve been manifesting your heart out, that beautiful, Tantric, nature-loving man who gazes into your eyes before throwing you on the bed for a night of soul-penetrating love-making…hasn’t appeared.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned on this spiritual journey of love, it’s this: The soul relationship your soul craves is out there.

The man who respects you. Grows with you. Nourishes your highest self.

But let’s come down out of the romance novel fantasy, because nobody’s 100% perfect. The goal is to find the perfect man for *you*.

So what’s stopping you?

I’ve got some theories about that.

Think about all the work you’ve done in the past, all the workshops, books, and youtube videos you’ve learned from.

I’m going to take a guess that they all taught you how to live for yourself.

They didn’t cover the foundations of how to be in a divine relationship… but for you to finally attract a divine man, that’s what you need to know.

Even when you’re single.

To BECOME, the woman who is worshipped by her man, filled with passion and love, and living your real-life love story, you have to:

  • Know what you actually want and need out of the relationship (not what books or friends say you should want or need)
  • Understand how to communicate those desires and needs to your partner (not just about sex, but about money, commitment, kids, who does the laundry – whatever’s important to YOU)
  • How to set boundaries men respect, and respect you for having
  • Feel secure, confident and supported
  • Let go of past beliefs about men being ‘stupid’, ‘inferior,’ ‘boys will be boys’
  • Release your ideas about what love should look like (let it surprise you and it will)

This requires deep, inner work — but not the kind you’ve done in the past.

We’ll be working together to set you up to thrive in a relationship with your ideal, perfect-for-you man.

Once you have the right foundations to set you up for a Tantric-Level relationship, you’ll be magnetizing the right men.

You’ll know how to choose the right one for you, and how to move into that relationship while staying true to who you are and what you need.

And you’ll get married (if you want to)

You’ll have passionate love-making, experience whole-body awakenings

You’ll feel completely safe and secure in your relationship

You’ll be free to embody the fullest expression of your divine femininity

I know this is out there for you, waiting for you to learn the skills to be ready for it.

I know, because I was you.

When I was single, I often saw other single women doing the most counterproductive things, like:

  • Reading man-hating books
  • Believing no man is worthy of them
  • Talking with their girlfriends about how women are the superior gender
  • Trying to convince themselves that their single status was an empowerment thing (when they would have dropped their single-card in a hot second for a crack at their dream man)

And I saw those women start to feel like nobody wanted them. Like they’d lost their opportunity to have a family or fall in love.

I saw them date F boys, and when the relationship didn’t work out, they’d convince themselves “it just wasn’t meant to be.”

That doesn’t have to be your story —

I didn’t let it become mine!

I met the man I married in Bali, just a quick hop, skip and a 30,000 mile jump from home.

He had bad boy looks, but grounded energy.

The night before he flew back to Australia, the sparks that had been building between us turned into a blaze.

The passion of his kiss took me to a valley of orgasmic essence.

It wasn’t a normal kiss … I could feel his erotic ways build deep within him.

A non-yoga man, who had organic tantric energy built within his soul. I … was … hooked.

I didn’t book a flight back to my home in the U.S. I booked a flight to Australia, and I haven’t looked back.

I have never been so loved in my life.

I have never been thrown so hard on the bed, worshiped so passionately, held so softly (and also so rough).

Every day I know I’m his number one, his first thought in the morning (“I love you”) and his last thought at night (good night, I love you).

I’m not going to sit here and BS you and try to act like you will 100% be in a divine relationship by the end of the 3 months.

What I can tell you is you will have a full body shift that puts you in the vibration of pulling men to you.

And when you meet that delicious man — you will be ready for him.

Oh, what, you’re still reading? Well, okay, let me tell you a few fun facts about Yours Truly:

  • I am currently eating a vegan chocolate bar as I write this. It’s not better than sex, but I’ll take it anyway.
  • My mom still tells me to cover myself on Instagram (even though I’m 30).
  • I was intentionally celibate for 4 years, convinced I was meant to be a nun (yep, really – so glad that didn’t pan out!).
  • I may have an amazing love story, but my mother-in-law is still a pain in the bum. We can’t have everything right?