How to Bring Sensuality into your Everyday life.

A woman’s sensuality is her gateway to feeling alive


Have you ever felt heavy and overworked? That drowning feeling when you’re too far into your masculine energy and feeling ripped away from your femininity?

Whether you’re starting a new business, working a 9-5, or building a relationship, your sensuality is that pivotal key that needs to ignite your passionate being.

That passion connects you with your essence of life. That passion is the gateway to pleasure. That passion is what gives your magnetism. 

Shake off that heavy energy that’s holding you back, rid the unhealthy ratio of masculine energy you’re holding, and regain your femininity. Closely read through this post, apply the practices and revisit it regularly. 


Connecting all of the senses.

Sensuality doesn’t have to be sexual. Any woman who is connected deeply to herself and what’s around her is a sensual being.

We are all sensual by birth. What we hear, what we feel, what we touch. All these experiences are sensual.

This sensuality starts in the womb, then as children we progress to exploring. We ask “how” and “why?” because we are desiring knowledge.

So where did we lose touch with our senses?

Exploration has been cut away from us over the years. Our schools, teachers, and (sometimes) parents have told us to sit down and listen to “keep the peace”. But this has hurt us long-term. 

And what happens when that child doesn’t sit down and listen? “They’ve got A.D.D.”.

Maybe we were just bored?! Maybe we wanted to explore the small world we knew. Feel new things, see new things, experience new things.

We lost that connectivity. That sensuality that connected us with ourselves.

It’s time we bring back that curiosity.

It’s time to let yourself reconnect to the sensual being you were born as.

It’s time to dive deeper into your feminine soul. 


Reconnect to your sensuality.


The emotions we feel give us life. 

We castrate our feelings daily. We sacrifice our feelings and emotions in fear of judgment. “Act accordingly,” we were told, “act ‘normal'”.

We now wear a veil when we are out. A character that isn’t fully us. We show them what they want to see.

That molding has stuck so strong over the years that it’s like a tumor that won’t go away.

Cut that tumor away. Your vulnerability is powerful. Your ownership of mistakes is powerful. It’s in this vulnerability that we become bulletproof.

You are teflon.

And they want more of you.


Take the time to touch.

Start with the shower. This is the one time you can fully be by yourself.

Don’t rush the process, instead take a moment to feel your skin.

Feel the curves of your body and appreciate them. Feel the back of your neck and relax fully into the heat of the steam.

Ditch the aggressive loofah and grab the soft, silky body wash.

Sit on the floor of the shower and give yourself a massage. The hands, the forearms, the feet. Anywhere that will allow you to slow down, appreciate and relax.

Take the time to touch and fully feel.


Slow down and taste.

Even if it’s just for one meal a day dive into the sensuality of the experience. 

Feel the power that food is giving you. Feel every taste it is giving you. Feel the warmth or the cold. Feel every part of this seemingly simple event.

Before that first bite, take a breath, and appreciate what it’s giving you visually.

Eat slower. One bite at a time. Place your cutlery down between bites.

Let the flavors move around your mouth.

(If you want deeper guidance on this practice, you can download the free ebook HERE)


Take the world in.

Today the vortex of the phone has removed so many experiences.

We’re walking around, viewing the world through a 4 by 2 screen. 

The simplicity of looking up has been lost to us. A joy reserved to the few.

It’s time to enjoy the feeling of wonderment. It’s time to enjoy what’s in front of us, what’s above us, and what’s around us.

Absorb the colors, the textures, and even the craziness this world has to offer and feel more.


Reflection Breeds Direction.

In reflecting we are able to evaluate, learn and move forward.

At the end of each day take a moment to sit, and truly look inward. Ask yourself, “what did I notice today? Did I dive into my sensuality today? What did I learn about myself today?”

The answers don’t have to be epiphanies. The magic is in the mundane. The lessons are learned in steps. Like an ice sculpture, slowly being chipped away, your journey comes incrementally.

Take your time. Enjoy the process. Enjoy the small moments.

Feel connected.

That is sensuality.



The world needs more women in their sensuality. Together we can empower one another in our feminine energy.

When we are connected, we are powerful and we are free.

For more practices to self-connect and build your self-love, there is a free eBook below for you to explore.

Have 5 days of practices at your fingertips and continue the deep dive into your femininity. 

Included in this eBook is access to other tools, courses, and coaching opportunities. Wherever you are in your journey, there will be something to help you move through these practices. 🤍

Download your free ebook HERE

Until next time,

xx Stacey